Help & Support

Learner Support

bullet Open High School website
Open High School's website contains school contact details, assessment schedules, assessment information, a calendar containing all exam and lesson dates, and a variety of other useful information.

Click here to visit Open High School's website now.
Open High School orientation module
Please ensure you have completed this module prior to starting your course work.

Click here to view the Orientation Module now.
world Cybersafety and digital citizenship
Open High School promotes Cybersafety and Digital Citizisenhip awareness for all students. This information is available on our school website.

Click here to view the information on cybersafety and digital citizenship.
Tech support
If you are having any technical difficulties with your Moodle course, please contact your Open High School teacher, who will then try to troubleshoot your issue. If this is not possible, your teacher will liaise with the school's Moodle administrator. Please ensure you pass on as much detail as possible about the error or problem.
Technical requirements

Web browser
It is recommended that you have at least two browsers installed on your computer because if something doesn't work in one browser, it should work in the other. It should be noted however that our Moodle site is optimised for use in Chrome, so please access your Moodle course using Chrome where possible. Plugins
In order to view certain multimedia elements and documents on the Moodle site, you need specific plugins installed in your browser. The most popular are Windows Media, QuickTime, Flash, Shockwave, and Adobe Reader, and they are all freely downloadable. Note: If you do not have a particular plugin, your browser may ask you to install it. Following the instructions will usually install the plugin sucessfully. Internet connection
A high-speed internet connection is preferred when viewing the Moodle site in order to get the best experience with multimedia content.

It's always best to have a popular word processing program, such as Microsoft Word, on your computer. If your teacher requires you to submit documents either as an assignment in Moodle or separately via email, it is suggested that you submit a Word document (.doc or .docx) or a PowerPoint show (.pps or .ppsx) where requested. By doing so, you are ensuring that your teacher will be able to open your assignment on her computer.
Ultime modifiche: venerdì, 6 febbraio 2015, 06:20